GRID Album Art

I’ve had the fun of designing the album art for each of GRID’s studio albums so far. For the first album, The Shadow Moment, I wanted to carry over the visual theme of type set into a wide grid, like it is in their logo. This theme can now be found on most of the band’s design work, and has quickly become a consistent part of their visual identity.

In 2016, GRID released a new version of this album. The re-release art needed to be visually paired with the original, but also unique enough to differentiate the two, particularly at the small sizes used in music apps. To compliment the album art, I made graphics for each song using original photography. These graphics are used as visuals when the songs are uploaded to video channels.

In 2018, GRID released the album Overlook. For this album, I made album art, customized the band’s Bandcamp page to match, and created teaser videos for social media.